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Why choose our textile finishing company?

Nova Euro Fashion, the producer, distributor and service provider, has distinguished itself from the competition by implementing a quality-oriented strategy.

Indeed, this strategy is based on four main axes: products, services, equipment and suppliers. This is the heart of our business and the basis of our success.

Product quality

Offering quality products to our customers is our priority. For this, we want to use every possible means to guarantee the best treatment results. The quality of treatments such as finishing, ironing, washing and dyeing is ensured by the use of quality products as well as the best material dedicated to the textile field. In addition, quality control is permanently ensured.

High-tech equipment

Being aware of the importance of such an investment to ensure the quality our customers are looking for, we have not hesitated to procure state-of-the-art machinery. This improves the quality of our products and makes it easier for our employees to be more efficient in the rest of the tasks.

Renowned partners

Always with the aim of guaranteeing the best quality, we believe that this starts with the raw materials and the material used for our various activities.

For this, Nova Euro Fashion has chosen to collaborate with proven suppliers in the field, such as:

  • Chimitex: the leader in the marketing of chemical solutions in the textile industry.
  • CMC: our supplier of irons specialized in home appliances destocked by major brands, since 1996.
  • Thermo Tex: a leader in the European textile marking market.

Fast service and respect of deadlines

Apart from the quality of the products, within Nova Euro Fashion, we want to take care of the quality of our services. Whether it is our textile processing services or our customer service, we have set up very well-trained teams that are compatible with our corporate culture: seriousness, professionalism and transparency.

These teams guarantee in the best conditions a fast service and are devoted to respect the deadlines and the satisfaction of the customers.

By following this strategy and thanks to our distinguished corporate culture, we have been able to make these elements our strengths and consolidate our brand image. Despite this, our vision remains to evolve at all levels, in terms of products, team and equipment.